China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is quite rightly being called as a great game changer by everyone not only in the two time-tested all weather friendly countries but also in the entire region and beyond Its implementation with sincerity and commitment in all three phases till 2030 is certainly and surely going to usher in an era of progress development and prosperity and benefit the people of Pakistan in many ways more than the people of China

CPEC is the project of entire Pakistan and present as well as succeeding governments are bound by the number of accords and memorandum of agreements signed by the two countries during the visit of the Chinese President in Islamabad in April 2015 to ensure, the projects undertaken under CPEC umbrella in energy infrastructure and other sectors are completed on schedule and duly protected and safeguarded

As the projects under the CPEC umbrella make headway more and more benefits, both visible and invisible, accruing to the people of all areas and regions of Pakistan will be making positive and appreciable contributions to the progress and develop ment of the country and creating more and more opportunities for employment of focal people both skilled and unskilled who are and will be working with Chinese experts engineers and technicians to update their technological knowledge and experience Some ignorant and ill-advised elements every now and then raise objections to the CPEC mainly on the ground that it is not passing their area or region Such negative criticism of CPEC only strengthens the hands of those hostile forces who do not want Pakistan to make progress and its people becoming prosperous All attempts to make CPEC controversial in any manner should be discouraged and shunned by one and all It has been time and again stated at the highest level both by Pakistani and Chinese leadership quite forcefully and emphatically that CPEC is for every region and province of Pakistan Development and progress of one. or the other area and region obviously means progress and development of Pakistan on the whole

CPEC involves the biggest single investment of 57 billion dollars by any country in decades and can easily be described as historical and game changer The Chinese investment aims at strengthening various sectors like energy infrastructure indus trial sectors and thus pushing Pakistan forward on the path of progress, prosperity and self-reliance

All concerned and associated with CPEC at the federal and provincial levels should continue making determine and committed efforts to ensure implementation of all projects under its umbrella so that these are completed on schedule. At the same time, CPEC should not be made controversial as its objectives are good for the people of Pakistan on the whole without any discrimination Fruits of the CPEC will be reaped by all areas and regions and people will be coming together more and more through increased connectivity Please do realize and understand that if we stand and integrated we make progress and become prosperous and divided we fall and fall quite deeper.

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